The locked mosaic.
The funds lock duration.
Aggregate bonded hash.
Index of the transaction body
Included fields are the transaction header, version
, type
, maxFee
and deadline
Transaction header size
Included fields are size
, verifiableEntityHeader_Reserved1
, signerPublicKey
and entityBody_Reserved1
Index of the transaction type
Included fields are the transaction header, version
and network
Converts the transaction into AggregateTransaction compatible
AggregateTransaction bytes
Generate signing bytes
Payload buffer
GenerationHash buffer
Returns if a transaction has missing signatures.
Transaction included in a block
Transaction is not known by the network
Transaction pending to be included in a block
Set transaction maxFee using fee multiplier for ONLY NONE AGGREGATE TRANSACTIONS
The fee multiplier
Convert an aggregate transaction to an inner transaction including transaction signer.
Signer is optional for AggregateComplete
transaction ONLY
If no signer provided, aggregate transaction signer will be delegated on signing
Innre transaction signer.
Create a Lock funds transaction object
The deadline to include the transaction.
The locked mosaic.
The funds lock duration.
The signed transaction for which funds are locked.
The network type.
(Optional) Max fee defined by the sender
(Optional) Transaction signature
(Optional) Signer public account
Create a transaction object from payload
Binary payload
Is embedded transaction (Default: false)
Generate transaction hash hex
HexString Payload
Network generation hash byte
Returns Transaction Payload hash
Prepares and return signed payload
Serialized transaction
Signature of the transaction
Public key of the signing account
Payload (ready to be announced)
Signs raw transaction with the given private key
Private key of the signer account
Raw transaction siging bytes
Signature byte array
Generated using TypeDoc
Lock funds transaction is used before sending an Aggregate bonded transaction, as a deposit to announce the transaction. When aggregate bonded transaction is confirmed funds are returned to LockFundsTransaction signer.