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Defines the params used to search transactions. With this criteria, you can sort and filter transactions queries using rest.




Optional address

address: Address

Filter by address involved in the transaction.

An account's address is consider to be involved in the transaction when the account is the sender, recipient, or it is required to cosign the transaction.

This filter cannot be combined with ''recipientAddress'' and ''signerPublicKey'' query params. (optional)

Optional embedded

embedded: undefined | false | true

When true, the endpoint also returns all the embedded aggregate transactions. When false, only top-level transactions used to calculate the block transactionsHash are returned. (optional, default to false)

Optional fromHeight

fromHeight: UInt64

Only blocks with height greater or equal than this one are returned.

Optional fromTransferAmount

fromTransferAmount: UInt64

Requires providing the transferMosaicId filter. Only transfer transactions with a transfer amount of the provided mosaic id, greater or equal than this amount are returned.


The group of transaction (confirmed, unconfirmed or partial). Required.

Optional height

height: UInt64

Filter by block height. (optional, default to null)

Optional offset

offset: undefined | string

Entry id at which to start pagination. If the ordering parameter is set to -id, the elements returned precede the identifier. Otherwise, newer elements with respect to the id are returned. (optional)

Optional order

order: Order

Sort responses in ascending or descending order based on the collection property set on the param ''order''. If the request does not specify ''order'', REST returns the collection ordered by id. (optional)

Optional pageNumber

pageNumber: undefined | number

Filter by page number. (optional)

Optional pageSize

pageSize: undefined | number

Number of entities to return for each request. (optional)

Optional recipientAddress

recipientAddress: Address

Address of an account receiving the transaction. (optional)

Optional signerPublicKey

signerPublicKey: undefined | string

Public key of the account signing the entity. (optional)

Optional toHeight

toHeight: UInt64

Only blocks with height smaller or equal than this one are returned.

Optional toTransferAmount

toTransferAmount: UInt64

Requires providing the transferMosaicId filter. Only transfer transactions with a transfer amount of the provided mosaic id, lesser or equal than this amount are returned.

Optional transferMosaicId

transferMosaicId: MosaicId

Filters transactions involving a specific mosaicId hex.

Optional type

Filter by transaction type. To filter by multiple transaction type. (optional, default to new empty array)

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