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  • RepositoryFactoryConfig



Optional epochAdjustment

epochAdjustment: undefined | number

The nemesis block creation epoch

Optional fetchApi

fetchApi: any

optional fetch function to be used when performing rest requests. The default value is:

  1. window.fetch if running on a browser
  2. or node-fetch if running on server (window.fetch not found)

Optional generationHash

generationHash: undefined | string

optional node generation hash if you don't want to load it from the server.

Optional networkCurrencies

networkCurrencies: NetworkCurrencies

The preconfigured symbol network currencies for offline access. They are loaded from server by default if not provided.

Optional networkType

networkType: NetworkType

optional network type if you don't want to load it from the server.

Optional nodePublicKey

nodePublicKey: undefined | string

The node public key used for NodeKeyLink transaction in delegated harvesting.

Optional websocketInjected

websocketInjected: any

optional injected websocket instance when using listeners in client.

Optional websocketUrl

websocketUrl: undefined | string

optional websocket url. If not provided, Default: Rest-Gateway url with ''/ws'' suffix (e.g. http://localhost:3000/ws).

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