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  • AggregateNetworkProperties




  • new AggregateNetworkProperties(maxTransactionsPerAggregate?: undefined | string, maxCosignaturesPerAggregate?: undefined | string, enableStrictCosignatureCheck?: undefined | false | true, enableBondedAggregateSupport?: undefined | false | true, maxBondedTransactionLifetime?: undefined | string): AggregateNetworkProperties
  • Parameters

    • Optional maxTransactionsPerAggregate: undefined | string

      Maximum number of transactions per aggregate.

    • Optional maxCosignaturesPerAggregate: undefined | string

      Maximum number of cosignatures per aggregate.

    • Optional enableStrictCosignatureCheck: undefined | false | true

      Set to true if cosignatures must exactly match component signers. Set to false if cosignatures should be validated externally.

    • Optional enableBondedAggregateSupport: undefined | false | true

      Set to true if bonded aggregates should be allowed. Set to false if bonded aggregates should be rejected.

    • Optional maxBondedTransactionLifetime: undefined | string

      Maximum lifetime a bonded transaction can have before it expires.

    Returns AggregateNetworkProperties


Optional Readonly enableBondedAggregateSupport

enableBondedAggregateSupport: undefined | false | true

Set to true if bonded aggregates should be allowed. Set to false if bonded aggregates should be rejected.

Optional Readonly enableStrictCosignatureCheck

enableStrictCosignatureCheck: undefined | false | true

Set to true if cosignatures must exactly match component signers. Set to false if cosignatures should be validated externally.

Optional Readonly maxBondedTransactionLifetime

maxBondedTransactionLifetime: undefined | string

Maximum lifetime a bonded transaction can have before it expires.

Optional Readonly maxCosignaturesPerAggregate

maxCosignaturesPerAggregate: undefined | string

Maximum number of cosignatures per aggregate.

Optional Readonly maxTransactionsPerAggregate

maxTransactionsPerAggregate: undefined | string

Maximum number of transactions per aggregate.

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