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Defines the params used to search transaction statement receipts. With this criteria, you can sort and filter receipt queries using rest.




Optional artifactId

artifactId: MosaicId | NamespaceId

Artifact id. (optional, TransactionStatement only)

Optional fromHeight

fromHeight: UInt64

From block height. (optional)

Optional height

height: UInt64

Block height. (optional)

Optional offset

offset: undefined | string

Entry id at which to start pagination. If the ordering parameter is set to -id, the elements returned precede the identifier. Otherwise, newer elements with respect to the id are returned. (optional)

Optional order

order: Order

Sort responses in ascending or descending order based on the collection property set on the param ''order''. If the request does not specify ''order'', REST returns the collection ordered by id. (optional)

Optional pageNumber

pageNumber: undefined | number

Filter by page number. (optional)

Optional pageSize

pageSize: undefined | number

Number of entities to return for each request. (optional)

Optional receiptTypes

receiptTypes: ReceiptType[]

receipt types. (optional, TransactionStatement only)

Optional recipientAddress

recipientAddress: Address

Recipient address. (optional, TransactionStatement only)

Optional senderAddress

senderAddress: Address

Sender address. (optional, TransactionStatement only)

Optional targetAddress

targetAddress: Address

Target address. (optional, TransactionStatement only)

Optional toHeight

toHeight: UInt64

To block height. (optional)

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