URI Scheme library to serve Symbol transactions ready to be signed.
This is a PoC to validate the proposed NIP2 Transaction URI Scheme. When stable, the repository will be moved to the nemtech organization.
npm install symbol-uri-scheme
// examples/TransactionToURI.ts
import {Account, Deadline, EmptyMessage, NetworkCurrencyPublic, NetworkType, TransferTransaction} from 'symbol-sdk';
import {TransactionURI} from "../src/uris/TransactionURI";
const serializedTransaction = TransferTransaction.create(
const generationHash = 'ABC'; // replace with network generation hash
const nodeUrl = 'http://localhost:3000';
const webhookUrl = 'http://myapp.local/id';
const transactionURI = new TransactionURI(serializedTransaction, generationHash, nodeUrl, webhookUrl);
// examples/URIToTransaction.ts
import {TransactionURI} from "../src/uris/TransactionURI";
const serializedTransaction = 'B500000000000000406D262D78CE449BC743A2F27FFE05A677A922C6FBA0B6FD' +
'F7EE115E01F76A60D2B027C4F8F2826F727ADEC0E6406C2ECC7C67C49FED2DAD' +
'973F539046EE8A02CC499067D981CB2EA28D43537D8B3D91E1E0A1F7DA12DB13' +
'5C1B9867DB80553B000000000198544140420F000000000015D6FE9001000000' +
'99659BB8A2019FE9C60000000000000000000000000000000001050000000000' +
const URI = 'web+symbol://transaction?data='+ serializedTransaction + '&generationHash=test' +
const transactionURI = TransactionURI.fromURI(URI);
const transaction = transactionURI.toTransaction();
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Licensed under the Apache License 2.0
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